This leaflet was developed as an instrument meant to help the beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region in order to draw in as many funds as possible for projects with non-reimbursable financing from the Regional Operational Programme (ROP).
The leaflet briefly presents the main aspects to be considered in the preparation, elaboration and implementation of a project.
The identification of the need to develop an activity in order to obtain results can materialize in the objectives of a project.
The project involves carrying out activities that aim at a particular objective, by putting into practice a goal in order to achieve some clearly defined results, within a well-defined time period.
In order to support a project, sufficient financial resources must be provided from different sources of funding:
The consequences of the implementation of the project must continue after its completion, with notable positive effects on the beneficiaries and on the environment where it was implemented.
Funding programs from European funds and other attracted funds
Carefully and thoroughly study of the applicant’s guide and of the related legislation;
Coherent correlation of the proposed objectives with the recommendations of the financier in order to achieve the indicators set by the programme.
The activities of the project must be realistic, their results influencing the indicators.
Demonstration of the sustainability of the project!
The plan of the activities within the project is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the financing programme, following its specific objective, the intended use of the funds provided and the direct beneficiaries of the investments made. All the activities included in the activity plan should take into account the contractual conditions, both general for accessing EU funds and those specific to the programme.
Information and promotion of financing from European funds is an important and mandatory component in the implementation of the projects benefiting from these funds.
Financing applicants must develop a series of information and communication activities, in accordance with the provisions of the Applicant Guide (general/specific) and the Visual Identity Manual. In order to carry out these activities, both the human resources with clearly defined responsibilities, and the sufficient financial resources will be established.
Firstly, the activities indicated as mandatory for information and promotion, by the financier, will be planned. Depending on the budget and the promotional needs of the project, other activities with impact on target groups will be planned.
Planning of the information and promotional activities is part of the entire project planning activity.
The activities calendar will take into account the deadlines provided by the financier and the way the project is developed.
The activities will be carried out by persons with distinct responsibilities in the information and promotional activity.
Promoting the role and the contribution of the 2014-2020 Operational Programmes/other financing programs to the national/regional development;
Ensuring transparency and dissemination of the information regarding the sources of financing for contracting the funds allocated by the programme to all categories of potential beneficiaries;
Pointing out the value of the institution/organization managing the programme and the project contribution to the direct beneficiary and the beneficiaries of the activities carried out through the project.
The Funding Request (FR) is filled in directly online on My SMIS 2014. The filling in instructions are found in the FR, Annex to the Specific Guide.
The MySMIS2014 information and data exchange system facilitates the electronic exchange of information between the potential beneficiaries, the beneficiaries and the authorities responsible for managing the European structural and investment funds.
Clear duties in the project management (job descriptions) based on relevant experience in project management
by correlating the responsibilities with the activities of the project.
Law no. 98/2016 as subsequently amended and supplemented (if applicable) and GD no. 394/2016 and GD no. 395/2016 (implementing rules)
Carrying out information and publicity activities related to the non-reimbursable financial assistance obtained through the Regional Operational Programme, in accordance with those declared in the funding request;
Use of the technical information comprised in the Visual Identity Manual for all the communication products developed during the European funded projects;
Submitting to the Intermediate Body for approval the information and advertising materials developed for the implementation of the information and publicity measures undertaken through the financing contract, at least 15 business days before their launch and utilization;
Archiving in a file (printed and/or electronic) where there shall be registered all the documents and products related to the information and publicity activities performed;
Informing through the media the start of the activities of the project;
Upon completion of the project, the beneficiary will publish a report on the project and its results in the local newspaper with the largest audience, except for tabloids.
Maintaining good relationships with various types of audience, by transmitting appropriate messages and direct actions of information and promotion.
The users/the beneficiaries of the project carried out (priority audience)
Mass media (mass media facilitates the flow of information)
The general public
Creating a harmonious visual identity in order to ensure the coherence and the stability of the programme over time;
Customization through the beneficiary’s logo (pictographic element in its visual identity).
Through a creative approach of the messages, it is aimed at efficiently transmitting to the target groups the information about the objectives pursued and the results achieved in the implementation of the projects.
System of instructions, rules and recommendations for the application of the fundamental visual identity elements:
The Beneficiary has the obligation to provide the resources necessary for carrying out the activities of the project, and to pay the amounts necessary to ensure the eligible co-financing and the financing of the non-eligible expenditures for the implementation of the project.
The beneficiary must keep an analytical accounts of the project, keep accurate and periodic records, as well as separate and transparent accounting records of the implementation of the project.
The eligible expenditures must comply with the legislation in force (GD no. 399/2015)
Funding will be granted based on pre-financing/reimbursement/payment requests, prepared in accordance with the relevant annexes to the financing contract
The mechanism of the payment requests – regulated by GEO no. 40/2015 on the financial management of the European funds for the 2014-2020 programming period and the implementing rules of GEO no. 40/2015 approved by GD no. 93/2016.
Progress report (implementation stage and results obtained)
Reimbursement request (detailing the expenditures and annexing supporting documents) :
Continuously collecting the information about the stage of the implementation of the project in order to correct the deficiencies;
Evaluation of the interim progress and providing the information related to the evolution of the performance indicators;
The way the resources allocated and the services provided have reached their target.
to keep and make available to the competent bodies the inventory of the assets acquired through the ROP;
to grant the access right to the sites and areas where the project is being implemented or was implemented, including access to the computer information systems, as well as all the documents and computer files regarding the technical and financial management of the project.
non-compliance with the deadlines and conditions agreed upon;
failure to meet the objectives of the projects, provided for in the request for financing and the indicators initially established;
failure to use the financing for the purpose for which it was granted;
the attempt and the act of fraud in tenders and contracting;
the use of some inadequate financial, accounting and monitoring systems within the projects.
The beneficiary must maintain the investment made from the ERDF for a period of five years as of the final payment or within the deadline provided for by the rules regarding state aid.
The previously mentioned deadline is reduced to three years if by the project it is aimed to maintain the investments or the jobs created by SMEs.